The Vega range includes three models tailored to different connectivity needs, offering versatile options through wired LAN connection, Wi-Fi, or GPRS mobile signal. The Wi-Fi model supports 2.4GHz networks only, while both Wi-Fi and LAN models require a secure, non-cloud-based router. The GPRS model features a roaming SIM, allowing connection to various network providers, depending on local service availability.

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How do I manage cashiers or servers on my terminal?
Cashier / Server Processing is a feature that must be enabled on a terminal before you can follow any of the processes below. To have these features enabled, please speak to your leasing company.
Adding a cashier / server
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Navigate to the second page by pressing the down arrow.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Add/Rmv.
Enter the desired cashier number.
Select Yes to confirm sign on.
Removing a cashier / server
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Navigate to the second page by pressing the down arrow.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Add/Rmv.
Enter the cashier number that you want to sign off.
Select Yes to confirm sign off.
Other options available in the Cashier menu are View (to view the cashiers), Report (to print a cashier sign on report) and Clear (to clear all cashiers).
Printing a cashier / server split report
This report will provide a breakdown of transactions processed by each cashier / server, plus a split of any gratuity included in these transactions.
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Select Reports.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Detail or Summary.
Enter a cashier number for an individual report, or leave blank for all cashiers, press the green OK button to proceed.
How do I complete my End of Day Banking Procedure/Settlement?
It is best practice to complete this at the end of business every day.
This process ensures that the transactions held on the terminal's batch are confirmed with the Acquirer bank, which will in turn trigger those funds to be sent to the intended bank account.
If you have multiple terminals, each terminal requires its own settlement to be completed.
End of Day / Settlement Process
To complete your Settlement / End of Day process, follow the below steps, there are slight variations in the process depending on the Acquirer your terminal operates with.
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Select Batch.
Select Settle or End of Day.
Enter your merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
(Skip this step if you are not prompted with the below) At this stage, your terminal may require you to…
Select the Acquirer you wish to settle. In the event that your terminal transacts through more than one Acquirer (such as if you also have AMEX enabled on your device). Press the number that corresponds with the Acquirer you wish to settle, or select All to settle all Acquirers together.
Confirm the total sales and refunds. Use the green OK button to accept or Cancel with the red button, do so at your own discretion. If you have any concerns about the totals displayed, any queries about this are best directed to your Acquirer.
Your terminal will then attempt its connection to the Acquirer bank and reconcile the totals with their records, if this process was successful, the terminal will print the settlement report with your figures, and will state "Sending OK" and/or "Balances Reconciled" to confirm that it was successful. If your device attempts the connection three times and/or your settlement report states "Sending Failed", your device may either be experiencing connection issues, or there is an issue with the Acquirer account. You can check the FAQ answer for "Why are transactions failing or declining?" for tips on checking your connection, or contact your technical support helpdesk for assistance. If your settlement report states "Training Mode" anywhere on the settlement report, this means that you have enabled Training Mode on your device, which is used to provide a dummy terminal environment and will not be connected to the Acquirer. If you are unsure how to disable Training Mode, please contact the technical support helpdesk for assistance. In the event that your terminal produces "RB Out of Balance" or "Out of Balance" on your terminal screen or settlement report, please refer to the corresponding entry on the Error Messages tab above.
How do I update my terminal?
If an update is available, it can be downloaded using function number 92. Before attempting this, if you have any transactions in the current batch, please complete the Settlement/End of Day process, otherwise the terminal may not allow you to run this process.
To access the function screen, press F4 on your terminal, or press the 0 key and locate the Function option - this may be on the second page of the menu, press the down arrow to move to the second page.
When on the function screen, the screen will say "Enter Function" with a small box, enter the number 92 and press the green OK button.
Enter your merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
The terminal will display "Prog. load correct?", press the green OK button to accept.
The terminal will now initiate the download, this usually will take around 5 minutes to complete (depending on connection speed), and the terminal will automatically reboot itself when it is done. After the reboot, it will print out an update report telling you if it was successful. If the terminal does not reboot, gets stuck, or if you do not get the update report, please contact your technical support helpdesk for advice.
Why are transactions failing or declining? (Wi-Fi Connection)
Unless the declines are genuine, your terminal may be experiencing connection problems.
A terminal that is Wi-Fi enabled will show the below symbol in the top right corner of the screen.

The colour of this symbol determines the connection status:
A GREEN symbol means that the terminal is connected to the network.
A RED symbol means that the terminal has an issue with the network connection.
An ❌ over the symbol means that the terminal is not detecting a network that it can connect to.
Check whether your Wi-Fi router is working and has internet access - try connecting another device to it, like a mobile phone, and attempt to load a popular website.
Try turning off your Wi-Fi router, allow 30 seconds to pass, and then turn it back on. After the Wi-Fi router has restarted, and internet access is re-established, try a transaction.
Try restarting the device by pushing and holding down the power button for 5-10 seconds, the power button is located in the bottom left corner of the keypad. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
If you have tried all of the above and are still unable to complete a successful transaction, please call the technical support helpdesk for further assistance.
Why are transactions failing or declining? (GPRS Connection)
Unless the declines are genuine, your terminal may be experiencing connection problems.
A terminal that is GPRS enabled will usually show a G, 3G or 4G symbol, with a box around it, in the top right of the screen.
There will also be a signal indicator (shown below) in the top right corner of the screen. This will inform you how strong the connection is.

Try moving the device closer to an outside window/door, or take it outside, to see if there are improvements to the signal. Try a transaction.
Try restarting the device by pushing and holding down the power button for 5-10 seconds, the power button is located in the bottom left corner of the keypad. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
It's also possible that there is a localised issue with the GPRS network in your area, such as a telephone mast being down for maintenance. In these cases, it is sometimes possible to switch the network provider, but some providers will share infrastructure and this may not resolve your issue, you should contact the technical support helpdesk for help with this. can be a useful resource for GPRS connection information, as well as providing a postcode checker that provides overall coverage as well as links to specific network checkers - these can inform you if there are known issues in your area.
If you have tried all of the above and are still unable to complete a successful transaction, please call the technical support helpdesk for further assistance.
Why are transactions failing or declining? (Wired LAN Connection)
Unless the declines are genuine, your terminal may be experiencing connection problems.
The V3CT3 operates over an Ethernet/LAN connection. You will find the connectivity icon shown below, in the top right corner of the screen.

If there is a red line through this symbol:
This means that the device is not detecting a physical connection. Please check that the Ethernet cable is properly seated in both the LAN port on the terminal, and the LAN/numbered/ethernet port on your internet router or other network device.
If there is still a red line showing after this, try changing out the Ethernet cable, preferably with a new one to ensure you are not swapping it with another faulty cable, the cable specification needs to be at least a CAT5 or above.
If the red line is still present after changing the cable, try restarting the terminal by pushing and holding the power button in the bottom left of the keypad until the screen goes blank, and then pushing and holding the same button again to turn the device back on.
If there is not a red line through this symbol:
We would advise first trying to restart your internet router, followed by the terminal, as reinitialising its connection during a reboot may resolve this issue. To restart the device push and hold the power button in the bottom left of the keypad until the screen goes blank, and then push and hold the same button again to turn the device back on.
Check whether other devices connected to the same network have internet access, it is possible for your internet router to be on and appear to be working, while internet connectivity is not available; the easiest way to check this is to try and open a popular website in a browser, from a device that is connected to that network. If you are not able to access the internet, please contact your Internet Service Provider to determine the issue.
If this does not resolve the problem, please contact your technical support helpdesk to further diagnose the issue.
Why does my terminal say "Acquirer Disabled"/"Security Error"/"Bad MAC"?
Your Acquirer has logged the terminal off. Depending on your Acquirer, there is a specific procedure to log the terminal back on; if you have not been given instruction on how to do this, or are unsure, please contact our helpdesk for assistance.
Why is the screen blank/why is there no power?
If you are using a mobile terminal (V3M2):
Before trying anything else, try rebooting the terminal by pushing and holding the power button in the bottom left corner of the keypad for up to 10 seconds, once the screen has gone blank, push and hold the same button to turn the device back on.
Ensure the terminal has been sufficiently charged, either with the terminal correctly placed onto the charging base, or a Mini USB cable plugged into the left-hand side of the terminal. Your terminal will have an LED light on the side of the device, and the charging base will have an LED light on the front of the base, to indicate power/charging status.
Check that the transformer brick (where the kettle lead plugs into, along the power cable) has a white LED light on it. If it does not, check that the kettle lead is properly seated into the port. If this does not change the state of the LED, try moving the mains power socket that the power supply unit is plugged into.
If you have checked the status of the power supply and the LED lights that should be on are on, try rebooting the terminal by pushing and holding the power button in the bottom left corner of the keypad for up to 10 seconds, once the screen has gone blank, push and hold the same button to turn the device back on.
If the terminal is still not powering on, or cannot reach or stay on the "Enter Amount" screen after checking the above, please contact your technical support helpdesk.
If you are using a countertop terminal running on mains power (V3C/V3CT3):
Before trying anything else, try rebooting the terminal by pushing and holding the power button in the bottom left corner of the keypad for up to 10 seconds, once the screen has gone blank, push and hold the same button to turn the device back on.
Try reseating the power cable plug in the DC port labelled 9V on the back of the terminal.
Check that the transformer brick (where the kettle lead plugs into, along the power cable) has a white LED light on it. If it does not, check that the kettle lead is properly seated into the port. If this does not change the state of the LED, try moving the mains power socket that the power supply unit is plugged into.
If you have checked the status of the power supply and the LED light that should be on is on, try rebooting the terminal by pushing and holding the power button in the bottom left corner of the keypad for up to 10 seconds, once the screen has gone blank, push and hold the same button to turn the device back on.
If the terminal is still not powering on, or cannot reach or stay on the "Enter Amount" screen after checking the above, please contact your technical support helpdesk.
How do I manage cashiers or servers on my terminal?
Cashier / Server Processing is a feature that must be enabled on a terminal before you can follow any of the processes below. To have these features enabled, please speak to your leasing company.
Adding a cashier / server
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Navigate to the second page by pressing the down arrow.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Add/Rmv.
Enter the desired cashier number.
Select Yes to confirm sign on.
Removing a cashier / server
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Navigate to the second page by pressing the down arrow.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Add/Rmv.
Enter the cashier number that you want to sign off.
Select Yes to confirm sign off.
Other options available in the Cashier menu are View (to view the cashiers), Report (to print a cashier sign on report) and Clear (to clear all cashiers).
Printing a cashier / server split report
This report will provide a breakdown of transactions processed by each cashier / server, plus a split of any gratuity included in these transactions.
Open the menu with the F1 key, or 0 key.
Select Reports.
Select Cashier.
Enter the merchant password, press the green OK button to confirm.
Select Detail or Summary.
Enter a cashier number for an individual report, or leave blank for all cashiers, press the green OK button to proceed.
How do I complete my End of Day Banking Procedure/Settlement?
It is best practice to complete this at the end of business every day.
This process ensures that the transactions held on the terminal's batch are confirmed with the Acquirer bank, which will in turn trigger those funds to be sent to the intended bank account.
If you have multiple terminals, each terminal requires its own settlement to be completed.