The Saturn range offers versatile connectivity, capable of communicating via Wi-Fi or GPRS mobile signal (such as 4G/3G, depending on local service availability). It supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks but requires a secure, non-cloud-based router. When both connection types are available, the terminal prioritises Wi-Fi and will fall back on GPRS if Wi-Fi connectivity fails.

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How do I complete my End of Day Banking Procedure/Settlement?
It is best practice to complete this at the end of business every day.
This process ensures that the transactions held on the terminal's batch are confirmed with the Acquirer bank, which will in turn trigger those funds to be sent to the intended bank account.
If you have multiple terminals, each terminal requires its own settlement to be completed.
The End of Day/Settlement process overall is very similar, with minor variation, between the Acquirers that the terminal operates with. To view a guide on the process, click on the link relevant to your Acquirer:
Lloyds, FDMS, Worldpay & AIB | End of Day/Settlement
How do I update my terminal?
If a software update is available, this will occur during the daily automatic reboot - this is generally programmed to happen in the early hours of the morning.
You should get an update report advising you of a successful update when one has occurred.
If you believe your terminal is failing to update, please contact our helpdesk.
Why are transactions failing or declining?
Unless the declines are genuine, your terminal may be experiencing connection problems.
Depending on how your terminal is usually connected to the internet, the S1F2 is capable of both Wi-Fi or GPRS, check the following.
A terminal connected to Wi-Fi will show the below symbol in the top right corner of the screen.

If this symbol is currently not visible, it means the terminal is not connected to the Wi-Fi at the moment.
Check whether your Wi-Fi router is working and has internet access - try connecting another device to it, like a mobile phone, and attempt to load a webpage.
Try turning off your Wi-Fi router, allow 30 seconds to pass, and then turn it back on. After the Wi-Fi router has restarted, and internet access is re-established, try a transaction. Restart the terminal by pushing and holding the power button on the left side of the device until you see Power off & Restart appear on screen, select Restart. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
If your terminal has a SIM card installed, you can attempt to use GPRS connection instead by turning off Use Wi-Fi in the Wi-Fi settings menu.
For a guide on how to connect to Wi-Fi, click here.
A terminal connected via GPRS will usually show either a 4G or 3G symbol in the top right corner of the screen.
A SIM card needs to be installed in the terminal for GPRS to be viable. It is possible that your leasing company did not request a SIM to be added to the order.
There will also be a signal indicator (shown below) in the top right corner of the screen. This will inform you how strong the connection is.

Try moving the device closer to an outside window/door, or take it outside, to see if there are improvements to the signal. Try a transaction.
Restart the terminal by pushing and holding the power button on the left side of the device until you see Power off & Restart appear on screen, select Restart. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
It's also possible that there is a localised issue with the GPRS network in your area, such as a telephone mast being down for maintenance. In these cases, it is sometimes possible to switch the network provider, but some providers will share infrastructure and this may not resolve your issue, you should contact the technical support helpdesk for help with this. can be a useful resource for GPRS connection information, as well as providing a postcode checker that provides overall coverage as well as links to specific network checkers - these can inform you if there are known issues in your area.
If you have a Wi-Fi router, you can use the Wi-Fi settings found in the terminal menus to attempt to connect to it. Even if your Wi-Fi connection is unreliable or slow, it can provide a temporary solution until the GPRS connection issue can be resolved by the necessary network carrier.
If you have tried all of the above relevant to your type of connection and are still unable to complete a successful transaction, please call the technical support helpdesk for further assistance.
Why does my terminal say "Acquirer Disabled"/"Security Error"/"Bad MAC"?
Your Acquirer has logged the terminal off. Depending on your Acquirer, there is a specific procedure to log the terminal back on; if you have not been given instruction on how to do this, or are unsure, please contact our helpdesk for assistance.
Which report is best for my needs?
If you have accessed the Reports screen, and are unsure of which report to view/print. Below is a rundown of the information contained within each report.
Please be aware that the types of reports you will have access to will depend on the Acquirer that your terminal operates with, if you are unsure what this means, please contact your Leasing Company, or your technical support helpdesk and we can explain this for you.
Some reports have a Short and a Full option, which provide different levels of detail.
All reports will display your Terminal ID and Merchant ID at the top of the printout.
If your Acquirer is EVO
If your Acquirer is Lloyds (Cardnet), FDMS, Worldpay or AIB
If your Acquirer is Elavon
How do I complete my End of Day Banking Procedure/Settlement?
It is best practice to complete this at the end of business every day.
This process ensures that the transactions held on the terminal's batch are confirmed with the Acquirer bank, which will in turn trigger those funds to be sent to the intended bank account.
If you have multiple terminals, each terminal requires its own settlement to be completed.
The End of Day/Settlement process overall is very similar, with minor variation, between the Acquirers that the terminal operates with. To view a guide on the process, click on the link relevant to your Acquirer:
Lloyds, FDMS, Worldpay & AIB | End of Day/Settlement
How do I update my terminal?
If a software update is available, this will occur during the daily automatic reboot - this is generally programmed to happen in the early hours of the morning.
You should get an update report advising you of a successful update when one has occurred.
If you believe your terminal is failing to update, please contact our helpdesk.
Why are transactions failing or declining?
Unless the declines are genuine, your terminal may be experiencing connection problems.
Depending on how your terminal is usually connected to the internet, the S1F2 is capable of both Wi-Fi or GPRS, check the following.
A terminal connected to Wi-Fi will show the below symbol in the top right corner of the screen.

If this symbol is currently not visible, it means the terminal is not connected to the Wi-Fi at the moment.
Check whether your Wi-Fi router is working and has internet access - try connecting another device to it, like a mobile phone, and attempt to load a webpage.
Try turning off your Wi-Fi router, allow 30 seconds to pass, and then turn it back on. After the Wi-Fi router has restarted, and internet access is re-established, try a transaction. Restart the terminal by pushing and holding the power button on the left side of the device until you see Power off & Restart appear on screen, select Restart. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
If your terminal has a SIM card installed, you can attempt to use GPRS connection instead by turning off Use Wi-Fi in the Wi-Fi settings menu.
For a guide on how to connect to Wi-Fi, click here.
A terminal connected via GPRS will usually show either a 4G or 3G symbol in the top right corner of the screen.
A SIM card needs to be installed in the terminal for GPRS to be viable. It is possible that your leasing company did not request a SIM to be added to the order.
There will also be a signal indicator (shown below) in the top right corner of the screen. This will inform you how strong the connection is.

Try moving the device closer to an outside window/door, or take it outside, to see if there are improvements to the signal. Try a transaction.
Restart the terminal by pushing and holding the power button on the left side of the device until you see Power off & Restart appear on screen, select Restart. After the terminal has restarted, try a transaction.
It's also possible that there is a localised issue with the GPRS network in your area, such as a telephone mast being down for maintenance. In these cases, it is sometimes possible to switch the network provider, but some providers will share infrastructure and this may not resolve your issue, you should contact the technical support helpdesk for help with this. can be a useful resource for GPRS connection information, as well as providing a postcode checker that provides overall coverage as well as links to specific network checkers - these can inform you if there are known issues in your area.
If you have a Wi-Fi router, you can use the Wi-Fi settings found in the terminal menus to attempt to connect to it. Even if your Wi-Fi connection is unreliable or slow, it can provide a temporary solution until the GPRS connection issue can be resolved by the necessary network carrier.
If you have tried all of the above relevant to your type of connection and are still unable to complete a successful transaction, please call the technical support helpdesk for further assistance.
Why does my terminal say "Acquirer Disabled"/"Security Error"/"Bad MAC"?
Your Acquirer has logged the terminal off. Depending on your Acquirer, there is a specific procedure to log the terminal back on; if you have not been given instruction on how to do this, or are unsure, please contact our helpdesk for assistance.
Which report is best for my needs?
If you have accessed the Reports screen, and are unsure of which report to view/print. Below is a rundown of the information contained within each report.
Please be aware that the types of reports you will have access to will depend on the Acquirer that your terminal operates with, if you are unsure what this means, please contact your Leasing Company, or your technical support helpdesk and we can explain this for you.
Some reports have a Short and a Full option, which provide different levels of detail.
All reports will display your Terminal ID and Merchant ID at the top of the printout.